Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Peak Season for Festive (Christmas and New Years): Friday, December 20th, 2024 – Saturday, January 4th, 2025 – 10 Members/Guests Total

The Festive Form is now open and requests will be accepted through Friday, November 1st.  Starting November 2nd, we will begin placing specific reservations and a confirmation letter will be sent once this process is complete.  After this period any changes to your requests will be handled by our concierge team and may be subject to availability.

THANKSGIVING:  Thanksgiving week is not included in the Festive Form restricted dates.  You may make dining reservations 60 days in advance.  All other Club reservations will be available the first of the month prior, or starting October 1st.  Please submit your requests on the Kukio App or contact


Q. How do I log in?  Log into Your username is the primary member’s email.  This login is exclusive to the Festive Form.  Please defer to your email for the default password. Copy and paste the password into the correct field.  Once logged in you will be prompted to change your password.  At this time you will need to login once more and enter your new password.  This will be your secured password and may be shared with your family members.  This link provided can be opened from any device with an internet browser, but is best viewed on a desktop computer or tablet using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.  For your convenience, there is a “reveal” button.

Q. It says inactive under Activities. How do I request Activities? 

Step 1:  Register your Attendees

Step 2:  Set your Festive Group

*Pro Tip:  You must enter your arrival and departure dates and set Festive Group prior to moving on to activities. You will not be able to proceed to the Activities tab until you Set Festive Group.  Follow the instructions under Set Festive Group to select the 10 individuals who will be attending during the Festive period and commit your selection.  Once the group is committed, you will see a green “Activated” under the Activities tab and can begin requesting activities.  IMPORTANT: Once the Festive Group is committed, it cannot be undone.  If you need to make changes to your Festive group after it has been set, please contact Kukio Administration to reset your form. Please note that resetting your form will remove any activity requests that were already made. It is recommended that you VIEW ENTIRE ITINERARY and print prior to reset so you have a point of reference to submit requests.

Q. My guests have scattered visit dates that do not overlap and exceed the maximum member/guest allotment. How should I register them in the Festive form? If you have multiple visit dates within the peak period while keeping within the maximum of 10 on any given day, please contact Concierge prior to setting your Festive group.

Q. I have forgotten my password. On the login screen locate the link that reads “Forgot Password? Click here to be sent a reset link.” to request a reset of your password. Once the Password is assigned, it can only be changed by requesting a password reset.  Concierge cannot view your password.

Q. Does each family member complete their own form?  No, please use only one form per membership.  For those who have family members that would like to complete their own requests (i.e. adult children), we ask that you start the form and forward the password so your family may continue adding their requests.  All immediate and extended family in one membership can access the form using the same password.

Q. Can anyone complete this form? The person completing this form can be anyone; the member, a family member, an assistant, etc.  Please use the primary member’s email as your login.

Q. Will this login change my Kukio App login?  No, this login is only used for the Festive Form.

Q. Family member is listed incorrectly or not listed on the drop down field.  Please complete the Family Tree Form (located on the App under Menu>MY CLUB>Club Documents>Member Family Tree), fill it out with your updated information, and submit the form to Concierge will update the information in the database as well as the Festive Form.

MAKING A RESERVATION REQUEST:  After registering members, guests and visit dates, please follow the steps below.

1. Select the Activity Tab.

2. Where applicable, indicate name, priority and number in your party.

3. Complete the request by clicking on the ADD button.

4. You may add additional requests by repeating steps 1 -4

Sample Request for Dining:
Select a Date, Time, Venue, Number in your Party and Preferred Priority.  Indicating priorities helps us fulfill the most important requests first.  In Special Notes include any dietary restrictions, highchair needed, alternate venue and special requests.  Select the ADD button.

For example, if you are celebrating a special occasion, you would select your favorite restaurant and time as priority one.  We will do our best to accommodate you at your preferred venue; however, if there is no availability at a reasonable time, we will seat you in the alternate location.

Q. How do I reassign priority?:  As you are submitting requests, the priority number chosen will no longer be available. You may reassign the priority by clicking on any number.  The non-selected priority will then become available.

CALENDAR VIEW:  Please note these are your requested activities and NOT confirmed.

The Calendar is a visual tool to assist with planning your itinerary

  • Click on the numerical calendar date to view requests made for that day. Requests are listed in chronological order
  • Holiday Events are listed for your convenience and will lead you to the activity page
  • You may only print from VIEW ITINERARY or VIEW ONLY THIS ACTIVITY
  • Requests are not confirmed at this time.  Confirmation letters will be sent by concierge via email


Q. Adult Member Children and family will be visiting and the Primary Member will not be on island.  What is the best way to manage the form?  Individual requests (massage, personal training, tennis and golf lessons, etc.) should be made for the person participating in the activity. For group activities (dining, paddles, etc.) please choose the name of the adult member in charge of reservations.

Q. May I make edits to my form? You may continue to view and edit your form until 5:00p HST on November 1, 2024. At that time, we will stop the form link, compile the data, and begin the process of completing as many requests as possible.  You may still view your requests but may not add or edit requests.  Requests made after this date will likely have limited availability.

VISIT DATES: My visit date extends before or after the Festive Period. How do I submit requests during that time?  The Festive restricted period is Friday, December 20th, 2024 – Saturday, January 4th, 2025.  Requests that fall before and after the date range may be submitted in a separate email directly to  Activity requests outside of the festive period will be available the month prior on the 1st.  For example you may make reservations beginning November 1st for the period December 1st – December 19th.  Activity requests for January 5th and later, may be made on December 1st.

Q. When will we receive our confirmations back? It generally takes 2 to 3 weeks to process the requests.  We hope to send confirmations letters prior to Thanksgiving week.


  • DINING – Reservations must be cancelled by 5:00p the day before, so we may clear the wait list. There will be a no-show charge of $100.00 per person.  The restaurant appreciates your punctuality.  A table cannot be guaranteed if you arrive outside of your confirmed reservation time and reservations will only be held for 15 minutes.
  • SPA – 4 hour cancellation policy
  • TENNIS – 12 hour advanced notice/24 hour cancellation notice
  • MANUTEA BOSTON WHALER – 48 hour cancellation policy